Green Hell is an extremely difficult jungle survival game full of challenges. This game does not teach how to survive in harsh nature, but players have to learn and test everything themselves.
With simple things available in the forest, gamers must build shelters, make traps to hunt animals, make tools, and fight the risk of diseases and dangers lurking everywhere.
In this article, let’s learn all the recipes available in Green Hell, including weapons, water and food, hunting and fishing tools, and more.
How to craft in Green Hell
To start crafting in Green Hell, players first need to open Inventory and select the crafting icon, then move the crafting items in the backpack to the rock.
Weapon crafting recipe
Type of axe
Crafting items
Stone Axe
Small Stone + Stick
Stone Pickaxe
Stick + Stone Blade + Rope
Stick + 2 Small Stone + Rope
Blade Axe
Stick + 3 Stone Blade
Bone Axe
Stick + 2 Bone + Rope
Metal Axe
Stick + Metal Ax Cast + Rope
Metal Pickaxe
Metal Blade Cast + Stick + Rope
Obsidian Axe
Obsidian Stone + Stick + Rope
Scythe type
Crafting items
Stone Blade
2 Small Stones
Stick Blade
2 Small Stick + Small Stone + Rope
Bone knife
Bone + Rope
Obsidian Blade
Obsidian Stone + Small Stone +Rope
Metal Blade
Metal Blade Cast + Rope
Bows and arrows
Type of bow and arrow
Crafting items
Long Stick + Rope
Bamboo Bow
Long Bamboo Stick + Rope
2 Feather + Small Stick
Metal Arrow
Metal Arrowhead Cast + x2 Feather + Small Stick + Rope
Spear Type
Crafting items
Weak Spear
Long Stick
Four Pronged Spear
2 Small Stick + Long Stick + Rope
Bamboo Spear
Long Bamboo Stick
Four Pronged Spear
2 Small Stick + Long Bamboo Stick + Rope
Stone Spear
Stone Blade + Long Stick + Rope
Bone Spear
Bone + Long Stick + Rope
Metal Spear
Metal Blade Cast + Long Stick + Rope
Obsidian Spear
Obsidian Stone + Long Stick + Rope
Recipes related to eating
Cooking recipe
Bone Soup
Boil Water and Bone in Coconut Bidon
Boiled Water
Boil water in Coconut Bidon
Antivenom infusion
Boil water and Purple Flower or Tobacco Leave in Coconut Bidon