How to build an underwater base in Minecraft 1.20

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Building an underwater base in Minecraft is certainly a challenge, but in return you will get a cool base with great visibility and protection. This article will show you how to build an underwater base in Minecraft 1.20.

Building an underwater base in Minecraft requires care
Building an underwater base in Minecraft requires care

How to build an underwater base in Minecraft 1.20

Breathe and move underwater

To enhance movement and mining speed in underwater environments, the player can equip an Aqua Affinity enchanted helmet. This spell increases the speed of underwater mining, with a maximum level of 1. Additionally, using the Depth Strider enchantment on boots can increase movement speed underwater, with a maximum level of 3.

When constructing underwater works, safety and simplicity should be prioritized. Wearing an Aqua Affinity-enhanced helmet can be beneficial, as it prolongs the time a person can hold their breath underwater, but it doesn’t give the ability to truly breathe underwater. To ensure a longer stay in the water, you should prepare a Potion of Water Breathing, with a duration of 8 minutes.

Bubble columns will be really useful while building an underwater base
Bubble columns will be really useful while building an underwater base

To the bottom of the sea

To create a standing area in relatively shallow water, you can swim down and use Bubble Blocks as a background. From there, additional blocks can be placed to form the walls and ceiling, and a drainage method can be used to complete the room.

A relatively safe method of reaching the seabed is to dig down from a nearby piece of land, then tunnel horizontally until the desired coordinates are reached. These coordinates can be determined by sailing to the expected base location and recording the coordinates for reference.

People like to build underwater glass domes to float to the ocean
People like to build underwater glass domes to float to the ocean

Build a base

If your facility is large in size, water removal can be done using a command block. However, if your facility is small, a quicker method is to use a sponge to absorb the water. Once you have established a safe area at the bottom, construction can begin.

Start by placing a door directly in front of a vertical wall and then dig into the rock through the doorway. The seabed usually has 2-3 pebble blocks, so it is advisable to cover the gravel with solid blocks to prevent water from seeping in when you remove the gravel. Once you’ve created an entrance, you can place a ladder, sign, or another door, banner, or gate inside the first door. You can then remove the first door to create a seamless entrance.

Water removal can be done using command block
Water removal can be done using command block

To prevent flooding in the event of a disaster, it is recommended to dig a block from the floor before digging horizontally. If the water retaining blocks break, the water that flows in will fall into that hole and stop there. Another precaution to avoid flood damage is to use light sources that cannot be washed away like pumpkin lights, glowstones, or sea lights.

Clean water

To create a bubble-like underwater substrate, it is necessary to remove water from a significant volume. The usual approach is to fill the space with a block like sand or gravel, then dig it up completely. This method works well when the walls are already built and can be covered with solid blocks after the space is filled. Alternatively, you can choose to fill the space with combustible blocks like wooden planks, wool, or leaf blocks.

Using a sponge is a great way to drain large amounts of water. When a sponge is placed on the base, it absorbs water with a volume of 9x9x9 centered around itself and turns into a wet sponge.

Flush with a sponge
Flush with a sponge

For larger spaces, you can divide them into smaller sections using fences, gates, doors or other suitable materials. This allows to dry the area in chunks.

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