Dragon Ball Legends fighting tips

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Dragon Ball Legends is a fighting game, loved by a huge roster of characters that range from the original Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Super. Dragon Ball Legends players will experience a whole new story, with favorite characters from the original series, being brought into their lives.

Dragon Ball Legends - Dragon Ball Legends
Dragon Ball Legends – Dragon Ball Legends

Since the game has new content, unlike the original Dragon Ball series, it can be quite complicated, leaving gamers easily confused in its various modes and events. However, diving into it with the following Dragon Ball Legends combat tips can help newbies ease that first overwhelming experience.

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Dragon Ball Legends fighting tips

Focus on the story first

With so much content available in Dragon Ball Legends, it’s best for players to stick to the story in the early stages. This will unlock more challenging game modes and characters for the collection, as well as provide a host of useful items to help build battle squads.

One of them is the all-important Chrono Crystal, which enhances the collection with new and more powerful characters. It will also allow newbies to learn the basics of the gameplay, as well as teach all the tricks they need to know.

Implement a new character summon

With the roster growing, players will want to attract as many characters as possible. The best and most efficient way to do that is to do daily summons. Normally, summoning a character will cost 100 Chrono Crystals, but it can be done 1 time per day for a discounted price of 20. This is the easiest way to grow the squad from the start without resources are exhausted.

There are many banners that summon different characters, so pay attention to choose the hero you want to own. While summoning every banner can be tempting, be sure to plan ahead. Summon the people you want the most or match your team, thereby owning the most powerful battle formation.

Pay attention to the type of character

Each unit in Dragon Ball Legends is assigned a color, and each color has a different advantage. It is just as important as in Pokemon, where each type has strengths and weaknesses.

For example, red units are weaker than blue units but stronger than yellow. If you’re fighting a red unit, put on your team a blue character instead of a yellow unit.

As a result, forming a team becomes a bit more complicated but players won’t want a team that is completely susceptible to one color, so make sure the member selections are perfected.

The squad plays a very important role

Each team consists of 6 characters, however, players will only bring 3 people into battle at a time, similar to the style of Dragon Ball FighterZ. Unused units, or reserve units, become extremely important because of this.

If you want to form a Saiyan team, players will need to include Saiyan support characters. Each of these characters has their own unique skills and strengths and needs to be planned accordingly. Thankfully, Dragon Ball Legends has many tools to maximize the stats of your team.

Upgrading the squad

Leveling up in Dragon Ball Legends is a 2-step process. Gamers need to level up their units by boosting their souls and increasing their character’s level to 5000, which is easily achieved in minutes by doing training events.

Although it’s just as easy to boost a character’s soul, all it takes is to pump up your character’s soul to increase its stats.

These two steps are crucial to getting strong characters and reaching their full potential, so make sure to do them whenever possible.

Avoid PvP mode in the early stages

The online part of Dragon Ball Legends is very important in the game, as many of the characters are created with abilities and skills specific to that part. Players participating in the online modes are holding the strongest units and the beginner’s initial units will be impossible to beat, so be on the lookout.

However, if you really want to try the PvP part of the game, opt for the Training Battle matches. This mode will allow players to play with characters with maximum level to fight their opponents, so people don’t have to worry about their characters being too weak.

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